Teachers + Parents + Students = Better Test Scores

The Michigan State Legislature has no idea what to do with the students whose schools will be closed due to their poor academic achievement based on low standardized test scores. They have threatened action to close these schools multiple times. However, when the time comes to act, there is no plan. The data used from standardized testing to label the 38 schools as low performing is meaningless. Many of the students in these schools see no purpose in taking standardized tests. Many of these students are not competent enough to pass standardized tests because they come from a home that is apathetic toward education.
These apathetic students cannot be authentically measured by standardized tests. 
Unfortunately, the Michigan State Legislature chooses to blame these schools and teachers for their low standardized test scores. Closing these schools based on low standardized test scores will do nothing to improve their students' academic achievement.
Our state's elected leaders can't continue to place such an emphasis on standardized testing. Instead, we must focus our energy on empowering all students to care and understand the importance of obtaining a quality education. Unfortunately, without a change in culture, we still will not see an improvement in results.
There are too many students reading lower than their current grade level. Students start and end every day at home. There needs to be an attitude at home that education and reading is important.
The problem is not the teachers. Our Michigan state Legislature needs to consult the teachers regarding issues with students' academic achievement because they are in the classroom on a daily basis. Teachers need to have a say in education reform efforts.
Many parents are not able to be home with their child because of work or other commitments. They may feel that their child's education is a low priority in their life. If a parent acts like education is unimportant at home, or if he or she is unable to help the child become a successful student, the child tends to become apathetic toward education.
Students without the support of caring parents at home are destined to fail. The impossibility of educating a student without the support of their parents is the real problem. Education should be a partnership between students, parents, and teachers.
Besides the effectiveness of the teacher, the knowledge of the student is also affected by social factors such as student apathy, peer relations, poverty, and parent involvement. These all need to be considered. Tests cannot be the only assessment used to help with the evaluating, rating, and ranking of schools, teachers, and school systems.
Teachers can only do so much. Parents must play a role in their children's education. We can't truly address the issues facing schools until we make a serious effort to tackle issues of parental involvement, student apathy, and poverty.
If we were to switch the students from a lower socioeconomic school with students from a higher socioeconomic school, standardized test scores would not change. Therefore, the schools and teachers should not be blamed for low standardized test scores due to the impact a student's family has on academic achievement. If a student's home culture and family's attitude toward education does not change neither will their standardized test scores.


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